Fort McMurray Dryer Vent Cleaning
Depending on where your dryer is situated in your home, you may not know where it vents to the outside. If the dryer is far from an external way, the venting may be long and twisting to make it to the exterior.
All dryers contain some type of lint trap which will get about 70% of the lint and fibers. That leaves around 30% that ends up going through the venting to the outside. If the vent is long and twisting there’s a good chance that it can’t get clogged up with the lint and fibers. This can be a serious fire hazard as you’re dealing with a heating element from the dryer that could ignite this highly flammable debris. In fact, it is a significant cause of house fires that is preventable with regular cleaning.
It is recommended by many safety specialists that the dryer ventilation should be cleaned once a year and done by a qualified technician.
Cleaning dryer ventilation is somewhat similar to that of furnace ducts; however, it is in a completely different location as it is found behind the dryer. To complete the cleaning we get behind the dryer and remove the vent clasp. If the event is long we get out our agitating tool to gently scrape the debris from the vent walls. Once this is completed we vacuum up the remaining debris. Once it’s clean we reattach it to the dryer and push the dryer back into its location.
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If you’re a do-it-yourself type person, you may maintain your dryer rent on your own. If the venting isn’t too long, you might well be able to adequately clean this on your own. However, it is our experience that very few homeowners go through the effort of pulling the dryer out and getting to that vent. Once we clean your furnace and ducts, we will make sure we ask you if your dryer vent needs cleaning, as a fire risk such as this should always be done by a professional.
Here are a few caution signs that your dryer vent cleaning might be required:
1. Clothes take longer to dry than they used to.
2. At the end of the drying cycle that you typically use, the clothes are hotter than usual.
3. The machine is getting hotter than it used to.
4. If you can feel the vent outside while the dryer is running and there isn’t much air flowing through, there is a blockage.
5. You can sense a burning odor coming from the unit.
If you’re experiencing any of these ventilation issues, it’s best to call us and we can assess it quickly and if needed clean it. We get it done right every time! and we know you probably won’t call us just for cleaning out your dryer vent so make sure you check this out for our residential duct and furnace cleaning to keep your home as healthy and safe as possible
Gas Dryer Vent Cleaning is Critical
Although less common there are still many gas-powered dryers out in the market. If you own a gas unit, it is critically important that you have your vent cleared at least once a year. The gas unit not only vents hot air edit also vents carbon monoxide outside. As a result, is vitally important to clean all the debris from vented areas of a gas dryer and if your family is a heavy user of the dryer, consider having it cleaned every 6 months.